"Major-label rock was emo long before wispy boys with trimmed eyebrows and the occasional hint of makeup moped their way onto radio. A decade ago frat boys raised on grunge’s miserablists translated that sadness for arenas. Unlike its moping peers, 3 Doors Down has always been strongest when meting out dashes of cruelty with its sullenness — “Kryptonite” (2000) has galloping drums and firm words for a former friend, and “When I’m Gone” (2002), its best song, is alluringly dark, about willfully slipping through the fingers of someone trying to save you." - The New York Times
The Main Squeeze
Panorama: Tour of a Lifetime
General Admission
This performance is a General Admission, Standing Room Only event in the Ballroom of the Taft Theatre.
Doors Open:
Show Time:
The Ballroom