When a beautiful, but spoiled, princess throws her new golden ball down the palace garden well, she encounters an enchanted prince-turned frog, whose only hope at breaking his curse and turning back into a human is to be invited for dinner. Oh… and to be kissed on the nose by a princess. But this frog prince isn’t the only one under an enchanted curse. With the help of his amphibi-friends, the two form an unlikely bond by teaching each other the importance of self-discovery, friendship, and standing up to bad influence. This fresh new musical adaptation will have you croaking the showtunes all the way home!
This performance will include Sign Language Interpretation. TCT strives to eliminate barriers to attendance for all audiences, including people who are hard of hearing or deaf. For theatregoers who are deaf and use American Sign Language as their primary means of communication, we provide an experienced theatre interpreter who stands to the audience left side of the stage and translates what the actors are saying or singing into American Sign Language (ASL).
Every person, regardless of age, will need a ticket. Children ages 12 months-old or younger who do not need a seat and will sit on your lap will be required to have an Infant Lap Pass for each show in every seating location throughout the theater. Infant Lap Passes are $8 and are available before the show at the Taft Theatre or by contacting the Box Office at tickets@tctcincinnati.com or 513.569.8080 x10.